Uzbek textile enterprises are getting closer to the European market! All news


Uzbek textile enterprises are getting closer to the European market!


Uzbekistan has been working to expand its exports to international markets, including the European market.
On June 22-23, a practical training on the processes of exporting to the European market was held within the framework of the multi-year cooperation project of the “Uztextilprom” association and the Gesamtmasche confederation of Germany.
More than 12 Textile companies were attanding the training, employees of the association, as well as the 20 other enterprises got acquainted in detail with the export processes.
Worshop report held on:

  • Current trends in the European Union
  • Requirements for textile products (REACH, supply chain expertise)
  • Full use of GSP+ capabilities
  • EU Sustainable and Circular Textiles Strategy
  • Tariffs, incoterms, export marketing
  • Negotiation ethics, export finance
  • Gained practical skills on interesting information such as Export Support Instruments (Access2markets).
  • International certificates, export finance and etc.

Overall, Uzbekistan’s textile industry has made significant progress in recent years, and it is great to see that it is getting closer to the European market. This bodes well for the future of Uzbekistan’s economy and for its continued growth as a major player in the global textile industry.

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